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Karen Leadership Development Foundation Building Project

Since the beginning, the KLDP has been renting from a local Karen church. Though we have appreciated this hospitality, it is very limited. The space is too small (no room to grow), and we have lacked resources to pursue a self-sustaining solution to keep us buoyant.
We know the vision of the KLDP is an exciting, effective, and powerful force to empower the next generations of the Karen, but we cannot continue without a home of our own. This year, we are launching a building project for our own program, dorm, classroom, office, and training centers. Space will allow us room to expand our influence and help us to be less dependent on outside resources. We would like to see a variety of other programs, not just a university program. We envision a variety of avenues to provide opportunities to train servant leaders and to help others grow in the Christian life so that they can be a blessing to their next community.
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